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Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to how their actions affect the environment. As a banana distribution company, we decided to join a global initiative and promote a sustainable lifestyle. One of our activities is a recurring social media campaign in which we share zero waste recipes. We want to show how easy it is to reduce food waste and prepare delicious dishes at the same time.

Don’t waste, use
Zero waste is about minimising waste. In the context of food, this means making the most of ingredients, avoiding throwing food away. In doing so, we protect the environment and discover new, tasty recipes.

Our social media campaign
We regularly publish recipes on our social media profiles that help to combat food waste. Here are some examples that have already appeared on our channels:

Homemade banana sorbet
Banana bread
Oat and banana pancakes

Join us!
We encourage everyone to follow our social media profiles and join our campaign. Share your own zero waste recipes by tagging our profile and using the hashtag #YellowZeroWaste. Together we can do a lot of good for our planet!