Together we create a world that cares about people and the planet

Our corporate social responsibility activities are based on the idea of Make The Word Care. We carefully scrutinise every aspect of our business processes, ensuring that they are carried out in accordance with the highest standards of respect for human rights and care for the environment.

The fulfilment of these conditions on the part of our contractors around the world is also a prerequisite for the commencement and continuation of cooperation. In addition, we undertake a range of local and global activities in which we involve our employees, colleagues and the local community.

Every action we take is a step towards a sustainable future in which the wellbeing of people and the environment is a priority.


We care about the environment

Caring for the environment is one of our priorities. We know that our actions have an impact on future generations.


  • We recycle packages to prevent them from ending up in landfills.
  • We are investing in a fleet of liquefied natural gas-powered trucks to reduce CO2 emissions
  • We are developing intermodal transport to reduce our environmental impact,
  • We work with suppliers who are GlobalGap, GRASP or Rainforest certified.

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